Case Study


The client had identified that billet stocks between the furnace and the rolling mill were too high, causing operational confusion. Also, energy costs could be reduced if more billets travelled directly from the furnace to the rolling mill.


Bullant created the following with the help of operations personnel at the mill;

  • A process map for the furnace and mill showed that a capability for direct billet transfer existed.
  • Method for scheduling the transfer of billets directly from the furnace area to the mill, reducing billet reheating costs.
  • A way of monitoring and reporting billet transfer times using the existing ERP system.
  • A series of operational targets for billet transfer times and yard inventory.
  • A design for the modification of the lifting magnets on the yard cranes to reduce magnet damaged caused by transferring hot billets to the rolling mill.


Client reduced energy and downtime costs by many $100K’s.