Schedule Optimisation
Sequence an existing or planned factory for maximum performance
A suitable schedule optimisation technique for factories in the process industry has only just been developed by Dupont. This method of production levelling for the process industry is known as Product Wheel design. Product Wheels are a structured way of;
- increasing usable capacity,
- reducing standby labour costs,
- reducing inventories, and
- improving customer delivery performance
We can help facilitate the search for your best Product Wheel for any of your processing lines. Product wheels offer a number of benefits;
- Delivers the best economic balance between total inventory cost and changeover cost
- Incorporates the perspectives of production, planning and supply chain experts in your organisation
- Identifies the optimum sequence for your unique product portfolio
- Defines the best cycle time for each SKU
- Provides a fact-based foundation for determining inventory requirements
- Defines the level production schedules that connect production with the heartbeat of demand
- Delivers more stable production schedules so that unexpected events can be accommodated with less stress
- Creates more reliable windows for maintenance and engineering